Yes,life can often be stressful. Stressed from school, office and sometimes peer pressure. But, can you handle multiple pressures and stress at the same time? This stress can still be prevented by the following steps:

  1. Divert yourself through watching cartoons or any light movies to ease your stress.
  2. Eat comfort foods like ice cream, peanuts or anything that you'd like to eat. Just forget dieting first.
  3. Don't stress too much about your problem. Remember, for every problems there are solutions it will come just don't stress yourself too much.
  4. Read your favorite book
  5. Ask a friend to bond with you on a spa or salon
  6. Always Smile,somehow when you smile you're not only destressing yourself but you're also making other people feel light and easy of themselves.
  7. Visit your favorite arcade!
Always remember that "Stress is just a minor problem in your life. Just always prevent it by being positive and being light as much as possible." and "Enjoy life for it is the greatest gift that God has given us."
Well that's all I can blog for today. Hope you enjoyed reading :)
If you’re like most women, hair parting­­­­ is something you do without giving the task much thought. You may have always parted your hair to the right or to the left and have never changed. However, where you part your hair can mean a lot! In fact, choosing the right spot for the part or style of the part can help you have a more flattering look or can oppositely make you look less appealing. To learn how to part your hair for your face shape or hair cut, use these beauty tips!
Center Part down in the middle
This youthful part is best for ladies with oval face shapes. It can also work on a round faced beauty but only if you have a smaller nose. Those with larger noses should never try this part, as it will only draw attention to your nose area. A center part can also work on ladies with square face shapes, if paired with natural looking curls. Many Hollywood stars use the center part when their hair is extremely long, to give it a more youthful appeal.

Side part (To the left or to the Right)
The side part is flattering on almost all face shapes and can instantly give you a volume boost at the top of your hair. It’s great for making thin hair look much thicker. It’s great for ladies with a heart shaped face, as it allows the wider upper area of the head to visually be broken up and thinned out.

Diagonal part (create illusions)

Most often the diagonal part is done when you have bangs to work with. This can allow bangs to hang in front, in a very attractive way. It gives you more width and height to hairstyles and is flattering on many face shapes. Off center parts like this also look great on round faces, as they create an illusion of the eye and make the face appear slimmer. In addition, they can be great on square faces as they blur the sharper edges of the square face shape, especially when done with layers.
Zigzag part. Get craaaazzy!!
If you want a very trendy and dramatic part, the uneven zigzag is the way to go. To do this part, you’ll need to take a comb and draw a zigzag line from the middle of the back of your crown to the front. After you’ve “drawn” the line with the comb, separate your hair from left to right. This type of part works on any hair length, from long to short and is a technique anyone can learn in only minutes. In addition, it’s the ideal part to use if you’re in between color touch ups and want to mask your unsightly roots.

How to Test a New Part Style Out

Overall, the best way to find your perfect hair part is to experiment. You know better than anyone else what hairstyles look best on you. Wait until your hair is completely dry and use a comb to test out these hair parts. You’ll be able to see what parts slim your face shape and what parts tend to bring out your less than favorite facial features. If after your home experiment you still feel confused about hair parts, ask your stylist to teach you how to figure out what hair part you should be wearing.

Each of has his own unique taste and style,the thing is most people alter it to emulate someone they are not. They notice that when they see someone dressed perfectly because it looks good on them they immediately look for some clothes that are similar to the one they saw even though it doesn't look good on them. We all have different beauties. May it be white or black it doesn't matter as long as you stand out in your own way! Here are the ways to be original,and at the same time stand out in the crowd:

  • Know what your style really is then enhance it
  • Think of something like a trademark for people to remember you .
  • Don't be shy to experiment on new things, being adventurous is nice because you'll never know that your style will be a trendsetter
  • NEVER EVER compare yourself to others, because you still have something that others do not.
  • Don't be afraid to show the whole world who you are..
  • And lastly, "Do not be a second rate version of someone else. Instead,be a first class version of YOURSELF!! :)"
Hope this blog inspired you girls :)

What is exactly the definition of Fashion? According to style icon/fashion designer Coco Chanel,
"Fashion is not something that exists in dress only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
And yes,indeed fashion is great! It is art! but a lot of people abuse fashion that most people forget their fashion etiquette,losng the essence of fashion by immodest clothing. I mean like seriously,do you think people would respect you for wearing those skimpy outfits?! You can still dress fashionably but in a decent manner.
The way you look and style yourself reflects who you are and how you want people to perceive you.
Sometimes you wonder, why guys doesn't respect you and often mistaken you as a whore it's just because of how you carry and style yourself. The thing here is to just dress appropriately according to the occassion. You must act decent, prim and proper to be able to complement what you are wearing. You must also be contented on what you have, for we are unique in our own way. If you think you are not pretty or sexy enough to compete with those models always tell yourself that Beauty comes from within and Sexiness is all about attitude and confidence. It is about how you shine in your own way.
"Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart."NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, The Scarlet Letter
A lot of women from today  doesn't realize how much they're worth is. Us,women as they say..  is the divine object, violated, endlessly sacrificed yet always reborn, whose only joy, achieved through a subtle interplay of images, lies in contemplation of herself. This blog is for each and every woman out there who wants to be treasured and respected by each and every one may it be your spouse,boyfriend or any significant person in your life. 
Below are some guidelines if you want to be loved and respected as a woman:

  1. Learn to love and respect yourself. If you learn to love yourself,others will learn to love and respect you back.
  2. Act like a prize and you'll turn him into a believer.
  3. If you start out dependent,it turns him off. But if it's something he can't have,it becomes more of a challenge to get it.
  4. Don't give in easily. ALWAYS remember that the more difficult you are to get, the more that he will cherish you. 
  5. Don't get easily moved by your feelings. Be STRONG.
  6. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself or speak your mind. It will not only earn his respect,but will cherish you more.
  7. You have to show that you won't accept mistreatment. Then you will keep his respect.
  8. A man won't simply respect a woman who automatically goes into overdrive to please him.
  9. Be an independent thinker at all times,and ignore anyone who attempts to define you in a LIMITING way.
  10. Lastly, the most attractive quality of all is DIGNITY.
Hope this entry helped and inspired you girls! Happy reading! :) Please feel free to share this entry if you like.

"I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot."-Marilyn Monroe

It is one of life's cruellest blows. The crushing moment when you discover that you cannot walk in the heels you've lusted after - and saved up for - for months!! 

High heels might make you look taller, slimmer and sexier, but they can also cause bunions, a bad back and, according to some, infertility. Apparently, heels over 5in make your pelvis tilt forwards and squash your reproductive organs - which is truly suffering for fashion.
But it doesn't have to be this way. Killer heels don't have to result in killer tumbles. "I love high heels as much as any woman." And in fact "They provide far more support for your arches than styles.
• Make sure you have the right fit. Stand on a piece of paper and draw around your shoe, then draw an outline around your bare foot. You will probably find that there are bits of your foot that are wider than the shoe. Shop assistants often say that a shoe that is a bit tight will give with wear, but if they don't fit in the shop, don't buy them. Ensure that the shoes' arches fit yours.
• Look out for shoes with straps, which provide support.
• Choose your heels wisely. A half-inch heel will obviously be more comfortable, but then you might as well be wearing flats. I think platforms and wedges are great because they look higher than they actually are. the thicker the heel the better, because it gives more balance.
• Avoid pointy pairs: the pressure they put on your toes can cause ingrown toenails and irreversible nail-bed damage that can lead to unsightly discolouring.
• Padding under the balls of the feet is crucial to avoid that nasty burning pain. If necessary, create your own by inserting Scholl Party Feet.
• Wear your heels all day or all evening, but never both. 
When we talk about attraction, we are not talking about lust (which is also a form of attraction). A man can be physically attracted to a woman, without any feelings of love, and this form of attraction is purely primal and is focused completely on the "body" of the woman involved. What we are talking about, in this article, is the attraction which is synonymous with love. Relationships are built on a love based attraction, so what's important would be know the traits in a woman, that men find most attractive, which makes them fall in love.

The following are some of the traits that guys find attractive in women. The list in not in any particular order of preference:

  • Soft heartedness - Men are more likely to fall in love with a woman who is soft, or warm, hearted, than a woman who is cold. Guys love to be mothered (not nagged but cared for), and so they tend to fall for a woman who offers them acceptance and warmth. This would have to be the trait that men find most attractive in women. 

  • Modesty - Men fall in love with the "modest" girls, and lust after the "hot" ones. Modesty in behavior, dressing and talking is what men look for in their "long-term" partner. Though guys find "hot" women attractive, it's mostly physical in nature and they lose interest after a few passionate encounters in the bed. There is also a common consent among men that "hot" women are less reliable, and high maintenance. In short, men love women who they can take home to their mother. 

  • Being Feminine - "Most Men" like feminine women. Feminity is all about being soft, kind hearted, understanding and caring. This attraction is justified by the fact that men are attracted to traits in a woman which they themselves lack. 

  • Character - Men are attracted to a woman who projects a strength of character and integrity. The word "fidelity" is becoming rarer nowadays even among women, who were historically more loyal of the two, and men find this to be bad news. So men are constantly on the look out for a woman who can invoke trust through her strength of character. 

  • The Woman's voice - Women are naturally endowed with a beautiful voice which men find highly attractive. Some men love a strong voice in a woman, some prefer a soft tone, with a high pitch. Some women have a husky voice and many guys find that attractive too. 

  • Her Smile - A smile can easily win over a male heart. If, as a girl, you are prone to having a smiling face you are more likely to be approached by guys than when you have a smug, or frowning, face. 

  • Her Eyes - Next to the smile, this is another facial feature that men get attracted to. Some men simply fall in love with the woman's eyes. The eyes can speak a thousand words and this is very much true with it comes to attracting men. 

  • The Woman's Hair - Most men get attracted by moderately long hair or anything close to shoulder length as that looks more feminine. Having said that, there are a lot of men who find women with short hair attractive. 

  • Physical Structure - As far as physical features are concerned, men get attracted to a woman's skin tone, lips, height and waist-to-hip ratio. Contrary to popular assumptions men are not bothered much about the size of the breasts or derriere when it comes to looking for a life mate. These factors are pretty much insignificant.

  • Sense Of Humor - Men generally get attracted to women with a good sense of humor. A Woman who can understand and laugh with them. Sense of humor is not necessarily the ability to crack jokes but the ability to understand and laugh at one. 

  • Confidence - Last but not the least, men get attracted towards women who make them feel comfortable and confident. Woman who supports them and the one with whom he feels relaxed and open. 

So these are the important traits that men find attractive in women. But again, every man has his unique taste. The above points are common to most men but not for all. Look at it this way. A man may look for and get attracted to such qualities in a woman that he lacks himself. For instance, a tough guy will look for a soft female. Hope you got the idea.
Bear in mind that for every woman there is a man out there, so just relax and look out for him.
Which type are you? :)

1. The Party Girl- they are the Promiscuous women who wants to be an attention-stealer..
2. The High-maintenance girl- The definition not only encompasses her needs for material things, but also her emotional requirements:
  • Highly sensitive - almost to the point of being high-strung. Completely lacks any humor. Shuns criticism and takes every comment as a sign of disapproval.
  • Bi-polar behavioral tendency. Gets into fits of uncontrollable rage.
  • Extremely selfish. Cannot think beyond her own needs. Thinks she is the first and last woman God created.
  • Requires non-stop attention and pampering.
  • Unpredictable and inconsistent sexual behavior. Depends on her moods and fancies.
  • Presumes everyone to know her mind and act accordingly.
  • Can not believe she can make a mistake.
  •  Critical, rude and insulting. Very conclusive about others.
  • Of the opinion that everything in this world must belong to her as she deserves it.
  • Very shifty mind. She needs constant entertainment and variety to keep her interest alive.
  • Very anxious of others' opinions about her.
  • Extremely conflicting and incompatible person.

3. Psycho- she's a war freak type of person.
4. Dullard- boring.
5.Housecat- always stays at home. 
6.Showgirl-attention whore
8.The Boss
10.The Jackpot
"A Queen is not just a superficial being but can also be found deep within YOU" - KimSarreal

Every girl has her own queenly innate. They just don't discover it within themselves yet. Others don't have the confidence, attitude and sometimes compare themselves to others that they think are prettier,smarter and sexier than them. I wrote this blog for each and every woman out there to know what makes a woman a "Queen". 

  1. A QUEEN knows what she wants and will never let anything stop her from getting what she wants. She will strive hard and do her best to achieve and get what she wants.
  2. A QUEEN does not compare herself to others for she knows that each of has its own distinctive beauty because  "someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be YOU"..
  3. A QUEEN is not just beautiful outside but also on the inside. Always remember that a person with a good heart always reflects in the face of a person which makes her more beautiful. 
  4. A QUEEN knows when to talk and to be silent. She only opens her mouth if she has anything good to say and will NOT talk if only her words are going to hurt other people's feelings. She always make people feel good about themselves.
  5. A QUEEN has SELF CONFIDENCE. She always know what she's doing and never has inhibitions for herself.
  6. A QUEEN is strong. She has a heart of a lion, thinks like a man BUT acts like a woman. She will never allow herself to get hurt and will always use her mind over heart.
  7. A QUEEN carries herself with poise,grace and composure even at difficult times. "Grace under pressure girls" :)
  8. A QUEEN is also a BEAUTY WITH A PURPOSE. She influences a lot of people with her charm and beauty towards the development of our nation.
  9. A QUEEN always smiles even in her darkest hours. She still manages to show people that she is not affected by her problem.
  10. Lastly, a QUEEN doesn't need a man to be complete. She doesn't rush things. She LOVES and RESPECTS herself. Always remember, "if you want to be respected you must also learn to love and respect yourself".
Well, that's it! I hope my blog inspired you girls! :)
Have you ever wondered what ingredients are in beauty cleansers, toners, masks and other beauty products? Sure, you can read the label, but do you really know what each ingredient is? Everyday millions of women flock to the beauty isles hoping to buy a product that will make their skin look younger, flawless and more radiant. In reality, they don't even know what they are buying. They put all of their trust in what the product claims it will do. I myself was one of those woman, until I discovered some simple homemade beauty recipes! Making your own beauty products not only costs less, but will also reassure you that everything you are putting on your face is natural..
These recipes are easy to make and the ingredients are found in everyday kitchens. Try them for yourself before wasting money on useless store bought products.

  • Gentle Exfoliator - Mix 1/2 cup cornmeal, 1/4 cup milk, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon olive oil in a bowl. Gently massage into skin, then rinse.
  • Orange Scrub - Squeeze 1/2 of an orange juice and pulp into bowl and add 4 teaspoons of cornmeal. Mix into paste. Gently massage into skin for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Avocado Facial Cleanser - Mash the insides of avocado into a creamy texture. Massage into face. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  • Apple Facial Mask - Mix 1 medium sized apple, grated fine with 5 tablespoons of honey. Apply to face and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
  • Carrot Facial Mask - Cook 3 large carrots, then mash. Mix with 4 1/2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to skin and let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
  • Lemon Facial Mask - Squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Apply to face. Leave on overnight. Rinse with warm water.
  • Yogurt Honey Mask - Combine 1 teaspoon yogurt and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to skin and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Honey Facial Mask - Place a cloth in warm water and apply to face to open your pores. Remove cloth and apply honey, leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water,then use cold water to close pores.
  • Banana Wrinkle Remover - Mash 1/4 banana until creamy. Apply to face, leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water followed by a splash of cold water.
  • Wrinkle Remover - Cut green seedless grape in half. Gently crush it on your face. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with Luke-warm water and pat dry. Repeat everyday until the lines are gone!
  • Carrot Toner - Add carrots to juicer to make carrot juice. Apply juice to face, then rinse. Continue daily to tone skin.
  • Moisturizer - Beat 1 egg yolk, mix with 1 cup whole milk. Apply to face.

Hope this entry helped you girls :)
Beauticians and fashion designers can give you countless tips on make up, hairstyles and the latest shoe trends. These together can serve as the ways to look classy. However, the real class and elegance is inherent - it comes from inside and cannot be purchased. The levels of classiness, elegance and charm will shine throughout your personality only if you know the real meaning of class. The following are tips on how to be classy:

Whether you are dining out at a restaurant or attending a meeting, your class will reflect in the way you conduct yourself. Your posture, manners, grace and the way you behave can very well convey the classiness in you, to the people around. Maintaining good etiquette will take you a long way in becoming the epitome of class!
What you speak and how you speak will show your elegance. If every other word coming out of your mouth is humiliating or conveys a derogatory meaning, it is quiet apparent that you lack class. Do not insult or gossip around. Remember, a classy person chooses his/her words carefully and listens much more than he/she speaks.
Body Language
The acceptable body language signals include standing up straight and showing interest when you are listening to someone. When you walk down the street with your back straight, head raised high and a sweet smile on your lips, people will turn their heads to say, “There goes someone with class”!
First impressions are often assessed by outer appearance. Your classiness and elegance will stand out if you dress well and appropriately. You will be out of the place in no minute, if you wear clothes disregarding the occasion! Apart from choosing the appropriate attire for occasions, you should be well groomed as well. Remember to pay due emphasis on your shoes as well.
Be Assertive
Maturity, confidence and thoughtfulness are well reflected by assertiveness. Inculcate all the three qualities in you and get noticed for being classy!
Be Knowledgeable
Last, but not the least - it is the knowledge that will give you the tag of being classy. It is wise to be politically, culturally and religiously aware of the world, or at least of the country you are living in.
For years,I've been looking for the best quality peel-off mask without spending a lot of money and finally I have found a brand that is not expensive but a superb quality product! I've been using Himalaya peel off mask twice every week and it's effective on removing dead skin cells and leaves your face bright and glowing even after without make up. 
Almond and Cucumber Peel-off Mask

Almond nourishes, soothes and softens the skin. Cucumber tones your facial skin and provides cooling effect. Pineapple removes impurities and dead tissues, and firms up the skin. Indian Gooseberry (Amla) has cleansing and anti-oxidant properties.
So go for something organic,it will not only leave your face glowing and fresh but will also prevent your face from damage against harsh chemicals from other products :)

Yes. you heard me,strawberry! Well I guess you're wondering how strawberry is tied up with organic skin care. Let me further discuss a few things about Strawberries.

First of all, it is a natural exfoliant. Its gentle acidic nature can take care of all those flaky dead cells on top of the skin. It’s salicylic acid is a good combatant for acne and black heads. Strawberry also has antiseptic and skin lighting properties.
Plus it has all those wonderful vitamins and antioxidants. And don’t forget folic acid, which is essential for healthy new cells! No wonder strawberry is such a star in the do it yourself skin care department. 
So how about making a strawberry mask?

It really is easy.  You don’t even need any special skills or tools. In fact, it’s so easy and cheap that I still don’t understand why would anybody go to an expensive salon and pay hundreds of moohlas for a skin mask…
If you have oily skin, all you need is strawberry and a fork. Just mush it up and apply on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Than rinse with lukewarm water.
If your skin is dry, add sunflower oil to the mush (1:1). Leave the mask on your face for 15 – 20 minutes. (You can also use olive or corn oil).
Strawberry juice is a great skin lightener. It’s effective for freckles and other spots. Just squeeze the juice out of the berries, then using a cotton ball spread the juice on the face.
And here are a couple of slightly more elaborate recipes:
Mix 5 strawberries with 1 table spoon of milk and one tea spoon of honey. Blend it into a state of purée. Spread the mixture on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Gently wash off with warm water using a cotton ball.
For dry skin you may also try mixing a few strawberries with one teaspoon of sour cream and one teaspoon honey. This is especially good for flaky skin.
You can also use cream (2-3 teaspoons) and milk (1 tbl spoon or so).
I hope you enjoy these recipes and pamper yourself without spending a single cent! Enjoy girls!
"Sleep, that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life."

Okay! We all know that most of us are sleep-deprived due to some circumstances like schoolworks,officeworks etc. I would like to share some tips of how to make the most of your beauty rest. :)  Here goes:

  1. Exercise may enhance sleep, particularly if you do it in the late afternoon or early evening, not immediately before bed or when you wake up in the morning.
  2. Don’t go to sleep hungry or too full: Both can put your body’s metabolic processes into overdrive.
  3. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed—though it might seem like a nightcap helps you sleep, both substances can increase sleep fragmentation and the number of times you wake up in the night, making you feel less rested in the morning.
  4. Don’t take naps unless you absolutely have to: They can prevent you from falling asleep at night, no matter how early in the day you take them.
  5. Stay in bed only as long as your body needs to. Too much sleep can actually cause frequent awakenings at night and the inability to fall asleep.

"There's nothing in the world like etiquette,
In kingly chambers or imperial halls,
As also at the race and county balls."


MEN often speak of good manners as an accomplishment. I speak of them as a duty. What, then, are good manners? Such manners as the usages of society have recognized as being agreeable to men. Such manners as take away rudeness, and remit to the brute creation all coarseness. There are a great many who feel that good manners are effeminate. They have a feeling that rude bluntness is a great deal more manly than good manners. It is a great deal more beastly. But when men are crowded in communities, the art of living together is no small art. How to diminish friction; how to promote ease of intercourse; how to make every part of a man's life contribute to the welfare and satisfaction of those around him; how to keep down offensive pride; how to banish the rasping of selfishness from the intercourse of men; how to move among men inspired by various and conflictive motives, and yet not have collisions -- this is the function of good manners.

Not only is the violation of good manners inexcusable on ordinary grounds, but it is sinful. When, therefore, parents and guardians and teachers would inspire the young with a desire for the manners of good society, it is not to be thought that they are accomplishments which may be accepted or rejected. Every man is bound to observe the laws of politeness. It is the expression of good-will and kindness. It promotes both beauty in the man who possesses it, and happiness in those who are about him. It is a religious duty, and should be a part of religious training.

There is a great deal of contempt expressed for what is called etiquette in society. Now and then there are elements of etiquette which perhaps might well be ridiculed; but in the main there is a just reason for all those customs which come under the head of etiquette. There is a reason which as regard to facility of intercourse. There is a reason in the avoidance of offense. There is a reason in comfort and happiness. And no man can afford to violate these unwritten customs of etiquette who wishes to act as a Christian gentleman.

Want a taller, more defined nose? Forget surgery and learn how to master the art of contouring!

Before and After Contouring The Nose
Before and After Contouring The Nose

What To Use

A brown eyeshadow or contour powder that is one shade or two darker than your skin tone. Make sure you use a matte/satin formula for the most natural effect. You can also use a cream foundation or concealer.
You can use Smashbox Step-by-step Contour Kit  or MAC Pro Sculpt and Shape powders available in any department stores!

Where To Apply

Remember light colors will highlight features, emphasize and make them larger/more prominent, while dark colors will shade, create shadow, minimize, reduce/recede features and create the illusion of depth.

To make your nose appear taller and more slender, you want to place the contouring color along the sides of the nose and the highlighting color on the bridge.

MAC makeup senior artist Victor C also recommends applying a brown eyeshadow (he loves MAC Soft Brown Eyeshadow) on the crease and dragging it towards the inner corner right by the nose to create the illusion of a higher bridge.

For those with really dark skin tones, beauty guru Sam Fine has this tip: Instead of applying a darker color on already dark-colored skin, you lighten the surrounding areas to create the illusion of depth.

Okay girls! We all know how most of us go "gaga" about make ups! The thing is sometimes we don't have enough moolah to spend on quality make ups. So I decided to post how to make your own multi-purpose powder! I got this from Ms. Deborah Bilezikian. So here it goes:

This is a lovely shimmering mineral powder that can be applied as a sheer eyeshadow or blush, mixed into a clear gloss, or nail polish, or used to color bath and body products.
The recipe is presented in ratios or "parts". You can use any measuring utensil to represent the ratio of "1", such as a 1/4 teaspoon for personal batches, or a tablespoon for a larger formula. For example, in this recipe if 1 part is a teaspoon, then 1/2 part is 1/2 teaspoon. 

Yield: varies
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Price Category: 1
Difficulty Level: 1
Shelf Life: Indefinite

1 part Splendid Red Mica
1 part Bordeaux Mica
1/2 part Gold Fine Mica

Blending Procedure:
  1. Use a clean coffee grinder for medium batches, or a mini-grinder for personal batches. Measure the mica pigments into the grinder and blend for about one minute.
  2. Open up the grinder and check to see if the pigments are completely blended together. If not, shake the grinder to dislodge any pigments that may have gotten under the blades, and grind again for at least a minute.
  3. Once the product is completely blended, place a large batch into a small plastic storage container and label it with the date and name.
  4. When choosing a cosmetic container, use one that includes a sifter. This prevents the product from spilling if dropped. You can seal the product by placing a clear sticker over the holes of the sifter.
  5. If the product is for sale or a gift, label the bottom of the jar with the ingredients in order of predominance, the state and country in which it was manufactured and the weight.
  6. Place a pretty label on the top with your logo, or a design, and voila, you're done!

Hope this recipe helped you girls! :)