Okay girls! We all know how most of us go "gaga" about make ups! The thing is sometimes we don't have enough moolah to spend on quality make ups. So I decided to post how to make your own multi-purpose powder! I got this from Ms. Deborah Bilezikian. So here it goes:

This is a lovely shimmering mineral powder that can be applied as a sheer eyeshadow or blush, mixed into a clear gloss, or nail polish, or used to color bath and body products.
The recipe is presented in ratios or "parts". You can use any measuring utensil to represent the ratio of "1", such as a 1/4 teaspoon for personal batches, or a tablespoon for a larger formula. For example, in this recipe if 1 part is a teaspoon, then 1/2 part is 1/2 teaspoon. 

Yield: varies
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Price Category: 1
Difficulty Level: 1
Shelf Life: Indefinite

1 part Splendid Red Mica
1 part Bordeaux Mica
1/2 part Gold Fine Mica

Blending Procedure:
  1. Use a clean coffee grinder for medium batches, or a mini-grinder for personal batches. Measure the mica pigments into the grinder and blend for about one minute.
  2. Open up the grinder and check to see if the pigments are completely blended together. If not, shake the grinder to dislodge any pigments that may have gotten under the blades, and grind again for at least a minute.
  3. Once the product is completely blended, place a large batch into a small plastic storage container and label it with the date and name.
  4. When choosing a cosmetic container, use one that includes a sifter. This prevents the product from spilling if dropped. You can seal the product by placing a clear sticker over the holes of the sifter.
  5. If the product is for sale or a gift, label the bottom of the jar with the ingredients in order of predominance, the state and country in which it was manufactured and the weight.
  6. Place a pretty label on the top with your logo, or a design, and voila, you're done!

Hope this recipe helped you girls! :)


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